I have been using beer-sample bucket and created fts index on it. But I do not seem to query it with Prefix or Regex queries. Fts is only giving me results for completely matching terms. Below is my fts index definirion
“type”: “fulltext-index”,
“name”: “beer_fts”,
“uuid”: “375d139c7c3155cc”,
“sourceType”: “couchbase”,
“sourceName”: “beer-sample”,
“sourceUUID”: “ccfc5b6f86033ee7c1d01bd8e72f771e”,
“planParams”: {
“maxPartitionsPerPIndex”: 171
“params”: {
“doc_config”: {
“mode”: “type_field”,
“type_field”: “type”
“mapping”: {
“default_analyzer”: “standard”,
“default_datetime_parser”: “dateTimeOptional”,
“default_field”: “_all”,
“default_mapping”: {
“dynamic”: true,
“enabled”: false
“default_type”: “_default”,
“index_dynamic”: true,
“store_dynamic”: false,
“types”: {
“beer”: {
“dynamic”: true,
“enabled”: true,
“properties”: {
“description”: {
“dynamic”: false,
“enabled”: true,
“fields”: [
“analyzer”: “”,
“include_in_all”: true,
“include_term_vectors”: true,
“index”: true,
“name”: “description”,
“store”: false,
“type”: “text”
“style”: {
“dynamic”: false,
“enabled”: true,
“fields”: [
“analyzer”: “”,
“include_in_all”: true,
“include_term_vectors”: true,
“index”: true,
“name”: “style”,
“store”: false,
“type”: “text”
“store”: {
“kvStoreName”: “mossStore”
“sourceParams”: {}
Any idea what is going on?
I also tried python to query fts"
In [2]: from couchbase import fulltext as ft
In [3]: from couchbase.cluster import Cluster
In [4]: from couchbase.bucket import Bucket
In [5]: cluster = Cluster(‘couchbase://xxx’)
In [6]: authenticator = PasswordAuthenticator(‘xxx’, ‘xxx’)
In [7]: cluster.authenticate(authenticator)
In [8]: bs = cluster.open_bucket(‘beer-sample’)
In [9]: query = ft.PrefixQuery(‘Ameri’)
In [10]: res = fb.search(‘beer_fts’, query=query)
In [11]: for i in res:
…: print i
In [12]: query = ft.MatchQuery(‘America’)
In [13]: res = fb.search(‘beer_fts’, query=query)
In [14]: for i in res:
…: print i
{u’sort’: [u’_score’], u’index’: u’beer_fts_375d139c7c3155cc_f4e0a48a’, u’score’: 0.8033196920587414, u’id’: u’pabst_brewing_company-old_milwaukee’}
{u’sort’: [u’_score’], u’index’: u’beer_fts_375d139c7c3155cc_aa574717’, u’score’: 0.7063992746318444, u’id’: u’penn_brewery-penn_gold’}