Is there anything specific that is required on a NodeJS SDK 4 install ? I tried to upgrade from a NodeJs 10.x to v17.8.0 and are running into issues galore. I got a bunch of errors so i uninstalled couchbase SDK 3.2.x and then tried to reinstall. Then i got errors that there was no precompiled version and after some time complained there was no cmake-js. After i installed it and run install again it now hangs on
C:\nodeRoot\CRM-NodeJS>npm i couchbase -save
[##################] \ reify:semver: timing metavuln:calculate:security-advisory:node-gyp:+K0hFm6AX7cc5a/alAQ+C/K9phs02nxJdHN6rMb
So i installed a clean Windows 2019 server and installed NodeJS again and updated npm. I made sure cmake-js was installed before i run the npm install for couchbase and now this one is stuck to at
C:\nodeRoot\CRM-NodeJS>npm i couchbase
[##################] - reify:semver: timing reifyNode:node_modules/bl/node_modules/readable-stream Completed in 6197ms
So i am wondering what i am missing here or will the SDK not run on 17.x