Problem with Elasticsearch connector in CB5 beta

I’m getting this error try to XDCR to the couchbase-elastic plugin.

I know i’m connecting to the couchbase jetty service hosted in the ES plugin, as i was getting auth problems to http://localhost:9091/pools which i’ve now resolved.

2017-09-05 21:18:16’t get nodes information for cluster, err=Failed on calling host=, path=/pools/nodes, err=, statusCode=404

From what i’ve read in the CAPI server docs ( CB should be making a call to localhost:9091/pools/default (which works) and the following which gives.

Adams-MBP:elasticsearch-5.4.2 adamhawkins$ curl -u Administrator:qwaszx
{“nodes”:[{“hostname”:“”,“couchApiBase”:“",“ports”:{“direct”:9091}}],“bucketType”:“membase”,“saslPassword”:"",“name”:“cbpass”,“bucketCapabilities”:[“couchapi”],“vBucketServerMap”:{“vBucketMap”:[[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1],[0,-1]],“serverList”:[“”]},“uri”:"/pools/default/buckets/cbpass?bucket_uuid=a42d23ab198b470ea6082a67067c6040",“uuid”:"a42d23ab198b470ea6082a67067c6040”}Adams-MBP:elasticsearch-5.4.2 adamhawkins$

Since ES plugin appears to be responding as expected i can only assume its a CB5 beta problem though i’ve not tried 4.x .
Could there be a setting that i’m missing thats trying to access ‘nodes’ rather than ‘default’

For clarity . this error is seen the XDCR screen , i have a remote cluster defined on and a remote replication setup from bucket called ‘pass’ to ES index called ‘cbpass’.

It repeats this error 10 times and i cant get any further logging out.

2017-09-05 21:36:57’t get nodes information for cluster, err=Failed on calling host=, path=/pools/nodes, err=, statusCode=404

I can see only 1 document in the ES cbpass bucket

"_index": “cbpass”,
"_type": “couchbaseCheckpoint”,
"_id": “bucketUUID”,
"_version": 1,
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
“doc”: {
“uuid”: “a42d23ab198b470ea6082a67067c6040”