Hi Priya
Thanks for your pointer to the documentation. I tried to find an example of how to implement it - but the sample code is “invisible” in e.g. this blog post: https://blog.couchbase.com/couchbase-net-sdk-20-development-series-logging/
… I’ll search for some other samples - but thought someone ought to change the blog post
When I look at the document there are a couple of surprises (to me anyway) as there is more than one “channel” with the same channel name:
"address":"Solbjergvej 42\r\nSolbjerg","cellphone":"40566308","city":"Høng","country":"DK","email":"john@dalsgaard-data.dk",
"name":"John Dalsgaard","phone":"49141248","sex":"M",
I have added some linebreaks to the raw format for easier reading
With the setup of the sync. formula and channels applied to the users above - does this document look “right” or is the problem in here…?