I have a replication filter for push set on a push replicator. The document gets rejected by replicator before purging after creation which is OK because filter is configured in that way.
2019-10-04 16:35:36.209 27546-28200/com.myProject V/CouchbaseLite/REPLICATOR: {n8litecore4repl6pushere#269} Doc ‘mirror_e352d060a-de37-40b5-b188-43d8be4871cc’ rejected by push filter
I do the purge:
2019-10-04 16:35:36.909 27546-27546/com.myProject V/CouchbaseLite/DATABASE: {DB#86} SQLiteKeyStore(default) del key ‘mirror_e352d060a-de37-40b5-b188-43d8be4871cc’ seq 0
This log is then shown (replicator touches document AFTER purge ??? ):
2019-10-04 16:35:36.926 27546-28200/com.myProject I/CouchbaseLite/REPLICATOR: {Repl#260} documentEnded mirror_e352d060a-de37-40b5-b188-43d8be4871cc flags=00 (1/7)
And then on my application level I have by DocumentReplicationListener following printed out for push replicator:
2019-10-04 16:35:37.130 27546-27546/com.myProject I/myProject.storage.couch.Replicator: REPLICATION: (replicatorA|PUSH): _id=mirror_e352d060a-de37-40b5-b188-43d8be4871cc,documentError= CouchbaseLiteException{CouchbaseLite,7,‘not found’},