I am trying to connect to a couchbase cluster running on version < 6.6 and I am getting this error while using python SDK
from datetime import timedelta
# needed for any cluster connection
from couchbase.auth import PasswordAuthenticator
from couchbase.cluster import Cluster
# needed for options -- cluster, timeout, SQL++ (N1QL) query, etc.
from couchbase.options import (ClusterOptions, ClusterTimeoutOptions,
# Update this to your cluster
username = "The actual user"
password = "The correct password"
bucket_name = "The_Bucket"
# User Input ends here.
# Connect options - authentication
auth = PasswordAuthenticator(
# Get a reference to our cluster
# NOTE: For TLS/SSL connection use 'couchbases://<your-ip-address>' instead
cluster = Cluster('couchbase://abc.test.com', ClusterOptions(auth))
# get a reference to our bucket
cb = cluster.bucket(bucket_name)
# Wait until the cluster is ready for use.
AuthenticationException Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-9443e614a719> in <module>
23 # Get a reference to our cluster
24 # NOTE: For TLS/SSL connection use 'couchbases://<your-ip-address>' instead
---> 25 cluster = Cluster('couchbase://abc.test.com', ClusterOptions(auth))
27 # get a reference to our bucket
/idn/home/user/venv/test/test1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/couchbase/cluster.py in __init__(self, connstr, *options, **kwargs)
98 super().__init__(connstr, *options, **kwargs)
---> 99 self._connect()
101 @BlockingWrapper.block(True)
/idn/home/user/test/test1/ve_magics/lib/python3.7/site-packages/couchbase/logic/wrappers.py in wrapped_fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
99 e._message = ('If using Couchbase Server < 6.6, '
100 'a bucket needs to be opened prior to cluster level operations')
--> 101 raise e
102 except Exception as ex:
103 exc_cls = PYCBC_ERROR_MAP.get(ExceptionMap.InternalSDKException.value, CouchbaseException)
/idn/home/user/test/test1/ve_magics/lib/python3.7/site-packages/couchbase/logic/wrappers.py in wrapped_fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
83 def wrapped_fn(self, *args, **kwargs):
84 try:
---> 85 ret = fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
86 if isinstance(ret, BaseCouchbaseException):
87 raise ErrorMapper.build_exception(ret)
/idn/home/user/test/test1/ve_magics/lib/python3.7/site-packages/couchbase/cluster.py in _connect(self, **kwargs)
103 ret = super()._connect_cluster(**kwargs)
104 if isinstance(ret, BaseCouchbaseException):
--> 105 raise ErrorMapper.build_exception(ret)
106 self._set_connection(ret)
AuthenticationException: <ec=6, category=couchbase.common, message=authentication_failure (6). Possible reasons: incorrect authentication configuration, bucket doesn't exist or bucket may be hibernated., C Source=/home/ec2-user/workspace/python/sdk/python-manylinux-wheel-pipeline/couchbase-python-client/src/connection.cxx:199>
Any suggestions ?