Is there documentation or example code using filters/predicates?
Does N1QL work with Lite?
There are wiki pages on Query Enhancements and the Query Builder.
N1QL has not been ported to work with Couchbase Lite. This would be a big job, as N1QL is currently implemented in the Go language, closely tied to the Couchbase Server secondary index engine, and tuned for server use. We don’t have any current plans to port it.
Do the links you posted apply to Android as well?
The first one does conceptually but not in the details. The second doc is iOS/Mac specific.
I think that I’ll roll my own filtering scheme:)
I take that back!
Documentation is sparse on this Query filter feature, so I thought it was too complex.
But today I looked at it again. Turns out to be very simple to use. Simply implement Predicate and set it on the Query instance, and voila!