I see in some documentation that “MapReduce View Indexes are accessed from both the
View API and the N1QL query language” but I didn’t find any example of querying view using N1QL.
Is this possible?
Another point,for views update, there is this viewUpdateDaemon which do the update automatcally.
Is there any similar process to auto update GSI and if not, why this difference between updating views index and GSI index?
Thanks geradless,
Just I mean the difference in updating index when using view api to query mapreduce views and when using views created via “CREATE INDEX idx ON bucket1( … ) USING VIEW;”
I have done tehse two tests:
create view via "CREATE INDEX idx ON default( name) USING VIEW
than i created added new document and executed the following query:
select count(*) FROM default WHERE name=‘test’ ;
I got the correct total
create a map-reduce view
I have added a new document and used View api to query it
The new added document wasn’t returned only the second time (default stale bahaviour as it is set to:update_after)
So why two differents update mechanisms for view ?
I have created one checklistdrmap view using below map() function.
function (doc, meta) {
if (doc.tree && meta.id)
for (i=0; i < doc.tree.length; i++)
var doc1 = doc.tree[i];
var path = “tree[”+i+"]";
function walk(doc,path2){
if(doc.children.length > 0 )
for (var j=0; j < doc.children.length; j++)
var path1 = path2 + “.children[”+j+"]";
the result is showing like below while passing key=“100305” :
“id”: “0bf151d5-f30b-4b56-908c-3bec4fbacf1c”,
“docid”: “100305”,
“description”: “Sample Description”,
“isDisclosureRequirement”: false,
“path”: “tree[0]”
But, If I need to pass two parameters like key=“100305” and id=“0bf151d5-f30b-4b56-908c-3bec4fbacf1c”,
Could you please help me where I can pass these two values ?