Hi all,
First of all thanks for this fantastic work.
I am planning to create a new couchbase SDK client for the R language. The idea is to use a wrapper around the C library libcouchbase.
I am confused with some notions especially the callback. Here my pseudo code with some questions as comments.
1 - rclient = RCouchebase(...) --> lcb_create(...) // should I call this one per session? 2- rclient.Connect() --> lcb_connect() --> lcb_wait() 3- rclient.get(...) --> lcb_get(...) // should I call a callback here using lcb_set_get_callback? 4- rclient.set() --> lcb_set(...)I am simplifying my idea to some basic functions (constructor,connect,get and set). Under each R function I write the effective C call(s). Does this look right? I don’t have any problem to call the C code from R but my question is more about the general workflow to call libcouchbase functions to do something similar to others SDK (python for example).