I am wondering if it is possible, through the Java SDK 2.x and Couchbase Server 3, to get all document keys in a given range, exactly like a ViewQuery would allow us to, but without creating a view. Why? because when I create a simple view on document keys, I feel like I am creating an primary index, and that index probably already exists somewhere. A few hints seem to convince me about the fact that it already exists :
There is a way to do this through the REST api (the Admin User Interface is using it) :
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/seo-content/docs?startkey="0"&endkey="10000"&inclusive_end=false&skip=0&include_docs=false -
When a View is created for the first time, it needs to iterate on all documents of a certain node. So those keys shall be at least referenced somewhere, if not sorted.
My question is : is there a way to get all document ids of a bucket (in a given range, or even unsorted), asynchronously, through the Java SDK, without creating an extra view.
Thank you,