How does Couchbase handle reads from different buckets i.e. suppose I have a table in RDBMS which is quite big and does not fit in a bucket. So i make multiple buckets in couchbase. Now when I have to read the entire table how does couchbase know where the data is and how does it reads the data properly?
Also, I stored each documentID as table`s name+ Prikey of the table
eg: table - employee , pkey -id
couchbase doc id -> emp 1
So now if it is in multiple buckets in multiple nodes … How does couchbase read it i.e. collect the data and return it … like how you`ll write the view and how internally it works?
Also from my understanding each Bucket has Vbuckets right … So while quering for a key do we have to give the bucket name and then couchbase finds the suitable vbucket … What if a table is distributed amongst various buckets … How would it work then?