I’m currently in Couchbase 2.1.1. I need to updgrade two of my nodes to 2.2.0 so I added one extra server for temporary swapspace and it happens to be 2.0.1. Once I have added the new server and I clicked rebalance, I got this error:
Rebalance exited with reason {unexpected_exit,
I’m guessing it has something to do with host unreachable which is strange consider I have opened up all the necessary ports and they all can ping each other. and just for the giggle, I turned off all the firewall and I’m still having the same problem.
I was thinking perhaps it’s because the new server I’m trying to add is couchbase 2.0.1. However after I upgraded the 2.0.1 to 2.1.1, I’m still seeing the same problem. Please advise?
Many thanks.