I’m setting a brand new cluster and repeatedly get errors when adding views. It’s happened on a 2 sever cluster and a 4 server cluster.
Googling and searching the forums and there are similar issues. I get this problem after publishing views to one of the servers. The server I’m publishing the views to was OK, but the other server node immediately goes offline and shows a high CPU. Rebalancing produces this error:
Rebalance exited with reason {badmatch,
Examining the bad node further I note it’s CPU is almost maxing out by the process “beam.smp”.
And there is an extraudinary number of connections in TIME_WAIT state from localhost:random_port to localhost:11209
tcp 0 0 localhost:54337 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:36798 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:39596 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:55549 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:51018 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:55473 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:39469 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:36328 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:60915 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:38081 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:40668 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:51617 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:36328 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:60915 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:38081 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:40668 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 localhost:51617 localhost:11209 TIME_WAIT
~$ netstat | grep TIME_WAIT | wc -l
Currently the bucket is completely empty.
I thought I’d do an strace on beam.smp to see what was going on.
What I’m seeing is a lot of “resource temporarily unavailable” errors.
It seems that it’s trying to connect to a resource and failing over and over again. I think most likely, it’s trying to connect to 11209 which according to netstat -tulpn output is the memcached process.
strace on memcached doesn’t show up anything special, just a lot of connection activity.
In case it’s significant, my cluster is running on CoreOS. I’ve upped the resource limits so inside the couchbase container ulimit -a is:
[root@ip-172-31-44-248 /]# ulimit -a
core file size (blocks, -c) unlimited
data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority (-e) 0
file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals (-i) 29972
max locked memory (kbytes, -l) unlimited
max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files (-n) 1048576
pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority (-r) 0
stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes (-u) 1048576
virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks (-x) unlimited
Grabbed log from the failed server and ns_server.debug.log shows something interesting:
couchbase logs (debug.log)
cbbrowse_logs debug.log
=========================PROGRESS REPORT=========================
supervisor: {local,'single_bucket_sup-manager'}
started: [{pid,<0.16213.9>},
3.9>:ns_memcached:handle_cast:697]Bucket "manager" loaded on node 'ns_1@172.31.4
4.247' in 0 seconds.
:do_subscribe_link:136]Parent process of subscription {ns_config_events,<0.16178
.9>} exited with reason {bad_return_value,
g:handle_cast:189]suppressing duplicate log ns_memcached:undefined([<<"Bucket \"
manager\" loaded on node 'ns_1@' in 0 seconds.">>]) because it's be
en seen 31 times in the past 9.278875 secs (last seen 0.245073 secs ago
=========================CRASH REPORT=========================
initial call: capi_set_view_manager:init/1
pid: <0.16178.9>
registered_name: 'capi_set_view_manager-manager'
exception exit: {bad_return_value,
in function gen_server:init_it/6 (gen_server.erl, line 332)
ancestors: ['single_bucket_sup-manager',<0.16176.9>]
messages: [replicate_newnodes_docs,
ction map(doc, meta) {\\r\\n if (meta.type === \\\"json\\\" && doc.type) {\\r\\
n if (doc.type === \\\"worker\\\" && doc.status && doc.status !== \\\"deleted
\\\" && doc.instance_id) {\\r\\n var addr = doc.address + \\\":\\\" + doc.p
ort;\\r\\n emit([doc.instance_id, doc.workerstatus, doc.laststatus], addr);
\\r\\n }\\r\\n }\\r\\n}\"},\"StatsPoolById\":{\"reduce\":\"function reduce(k
eys, values, rereduce) {\\r\\n var f, v; // declare loop variables so that JSH
int doesn't complain...\\r\\n var ifields = [\\\"count\\\", \\\"starting\\\", \
\\"running\\\", \\\"stopped\\\"];\\r\\n var wfields = [\\\"count\\\", \\\"activ
e\\\", \\\"idle\\\"];\\r\\n var out = {};\\r\\n out.load = { min: 100, max: 0,
tot: 0, cnt: 0, avg: 0};\\r\\n out.instances = {};\\r\\n for (f in ifields) {
\\r\\n out.instances[ifields[f]] = { min: 10000, max: 0, tot: 0, cnt: 0, avg:
0};\\r\\n }\\r\\n out.workers = {};\\r\\n for (f in wfields) {\\r\\n out.
workers[wfields[f]] = { min: 10000, max: 0, tot: 0, cnt: 0, avg: 0};\\r\\n }\\r
\\n\\r\\n for (v in values) {\\r\\n if (values[v].load.min < out.load.min) {
\\r\\n out.load.min = values[v].load.min;\\r\\n }\\r\\n if (values[v]
.load.max > out.load.max) {\\r\\n out.load.max = values[v].load.max;\\r\\n
}\\r\\n out.load.tot += values[v].load.tot;\\r\\n out.load.cnt += value
s[v].load.cnt;\\r\\n\\r\\n for (f in ifields) {\\r\\n if (values[v].inst
ances[ifields[f]].min < out.instances[ifields[f]].min) {\\r\\n out.instan
ces[ifields[f]].min = values[v].instances[ifields[f]].min;\\r\\n }\\r\\n
if (values[v].instances[ifields[f]].max > out.instances[ifields[f]].max) {\\r
\\n out.instances[ifields[f]].max = values[v].instances[ifields[f]].max;\
\r\\n }\\r\\n out.instances[ifields[f]].tot += values[v].instances[ifi
elds[f]].tot;\\r\\n out.instances[ifields[f]].cnt += values[v].instances[if
ields[f]].cnt;\\r\\n }\\r\\n\\r\\n for (f in wfields) {\\r\\n if (val
ues[v].workers[wfields[f]].min < out.workers[wfields[f]].min) {\\r\\n out
.workers[wfields[f]].min = values[v].workers[wfields[f]].min;\\r\\n }\\r\\n
if (values[v].workers[wfields[f]].max > out.workers[wfields[f]].max) {\\r\
\n out.workers[wfields[f]].max = values[v].workers[wfields[f]].max;\\r\\n
}\\r\\n out.workers[wfields[f]].tot += values[v].workers[wfields[f]].
tot;\\r\\n out.workers[wfields[f]].cnt += values[v].workers[wfields[f]].cnt
;\\r\\n }\\r\\n }\\r\\n\\r\\n out.load.avg = Math.round((out.load.tot / out
.load.cnt) * 100) / 100;\\r\\n for (f in ifields) {\\r\\n out.instances[ifie
lds[f]].avg = Math.round((out.instances[ifields[f]].tot / out.instances[ifields[
f]].cnt) * 100) / 100;\\r\\n }\\r\\n for (f in wfields) {\\r\\n out.workers
[wfields[f]].avg = Math.round((out.workers[wfields[f]].tot / out.workers[wfields
[f]].cnt) * 100) / 100;\\r\\n }\\r\\n return out;\\r\\n}\",\"map\":\"function
map(doc, meta) {\\r\\n if (meta.type === \\\"json\\\" && doc.type) {\\r\\n i
f (doc.type === \\\"statistic\\\" && doc.statistictype && doc.statistictype ===
\\\"pool\\\" && doc.entity_id) {\\r\\n var datetime = new Date(doc.timestam
p);\\r\\n var year = datetime.getFullYear();\\r\\n var month = 1 + dat
etime.getMonth();\\r\\n var day = datetime.getDate();\\r\\n var hour =
datetime.getUTCHours();\\r\\n var out = {};\\r\\n out.load = { min: d
oc.load, max: doc.load, tot: doc.load, cnt: 1, avg: doc.load };\\r\\n out.i
nstances = {};\\r\\n out.instances.count = { min: doc.instance.count, max:
doc.instance.count, tot: doc.instance.count, cnt: 1, avg: doc.instance.count };\
\r\\n out.instances.starting = { min: doc.instance.starting, max: doc.insta
nce.starting, tot: doc.instance.starting, cnt: 1, avg: doc.instance.starting };\
\r\\n out.instances.running = { min: doc.instance.running, max: doc.instanc
e.running, tot: doc.instance.running, cnt: 1, avg: doc.instance.running };\\r\\n
out.instances.stopped = { min: doc.instance.stopped, max: doc.instance.sto
pped, tot: doc.instance.stopped, cnt: 1, avg: doc.instance.stopped };\\r\\n
out.workers = {};\\r\\n out.workers.count = { min: doc.worker.count, max:
doc.worker.count, tot: doc.worker.count, cnt: 1, avg: doc.worker.count };\\r\\n
out.workers.active = { min: doc.worker.active, max: doc.worker.active, tot:
doc.worker.active, cnt: 1, avg: doc.worker.active };\\r\\n out.workers.idl
e = { min: doc.worker.idle, max: doc.worker.idle, tot: doc.worker.idle, cnt: 1,
avg: doc.worker.idle };\\r\\n emit([doc.entity_id, year, month, day, hour],
out);\\r\\n }\\r\\n }\\r\\n}\"},\"InstanceByPool\":{\"map\":\"function map(
doc, meta) {\\r\\n if (meta.type === \\\"json\\\" && doc.type) {\\r\\n if (d
oc.type === \\\"instance\\\" && doc.status && doc.status !== \\\"deleted\\\") {\
\r\\n emit([doc.pool_id, doc.instancestatus, doc.laststarted], doc.external
id);\\r\\n }\\r\\n }\\r\\n}\"},\"WorkitemByJob\":{\"map\":\"function map(doc
, meta) {\\r\\n if (meta.type === \\\"json\\\" && doc.type) {\\r\\n if (doc.
type === \\\"workitem\\\" && doc.status && doc.status !== \\\"deleted\\\") {\\r\
\n emit([doc.job_id, doc.itemstatus], doc.percentage);\\r\\n }\\r\\n }\
\r\\n}\"},\"InstanceByStatus\":{\"map\":\"function map(doc, meta) {\\r\\n if (m
eta.type === \\\"json\\\" && doc.type) {\\r\\n if (doc.type === \\\"instance\
\\" && doc.status && doc.status !== \\\"deleted\\\") {\\r\\n var addr = doc
.address + \\\":\\\" + doc.port;\\r\\n emit([doc.instancestatus, doc.workty
pe, doc.laststatus], addr);\\r\\n }\\r\\n }\\r\\n}\"},\"RegionByName\":{\"ma
p\":\"function map(doc, meta) {\\r\\n if (meta.type === \\\"json\\\" && doc.typ
e) {\\r\\n if (doc.type === \\\"region\\\" && doc.status && doc.status !== \\
\"deleted\\\") {\\r\\n emit([doc.name, doc.location, doc.provider], doc.add
ress);\\r\\n }\\r\\n }\\r\\n}\"},\"PoolByName\":{\"map\":\"function map(doc,
meta) {\\r\\n if (meta.type === \\\"json\\\" && doc.type) {\\r\\n if (doc.t
ype === \\\"pool\\\" && doc.status && doc.status !== \\\"deleted\\\") {\\r\\n
emit([doc.name, doc.instancetype, doc.vmtype, doc.imageid]);\\r\\n }\\r\\n
}\\r\\n}\"},\"WorkitemByStatus\":{\"map\":\"function map(doc, meta) {\\r\\n i
f (meta.type === \\\"json\\\" && doc.type) {\\r\\n if (doc.type === \\\"worki
tem\\\" && doc.status && doc.status !== \\\"deleted\\\") {\\r\\n emit([doc.
itemstatus, doc.job_id], doc.worker_id);\\r\\n }\\r\\n }\\r\\n}\"},\"WorkerB
yStatus\":{\"map\":\"function map(doc, meta) {\\r\\n if (meta.type === \\\"json
\\\" && doc.type) {\\r\\n if (doc.type === \\\"worker\\\" && doc.status && do
c.status !== \\\"deleted\\\") {\\r\\n var addr = doc.address + \\\":\\\" +
doc.port;\\r\\n emit([doc.workerstatus, doc.worktype, doc.laststatus], addr
);\\r\\n }\\r\\n }\\r\\n}\"}}}">>,
links: [<0.16179.9>,<0.16181.9>,<0.16182.9>,<0.16180.9>,<0.16177.9>]
dictionary: [{ddoc_replication_proxy,<0.16180.9>}]
trap_exit: true
status: running
heap_size: 4185
stack_size: 27
reductions: 5137
neighbour: [{pid,<0.16180.9>},
neighbour: [{pid,<0.16182.9>},
neighbour: [{pid,<0.16181.9>},
>:ale_error_logger_handler:do_log:203]** Generic server 'couch_stats_reader-mana
ger' terminating
** Last message in was refresh_stats
** When Server state == {state,"manager",undefined,undefined}
** Reason for termination ==
** {{bad_return_value,{error,{error,{dcp_socket_connect_failed,nxdomain}}}},
Is this a bug or could it be a setup issue? If it’s a bug please let me know if I should be logging this somewhere. And whether more information can be provided.