Rebalance exited with reason: mover_crashed

Hi all,

we’re updating a Couchbase cluster from 7.0.3 to 7.0.5 and we’re facing an issue on the rebalance of the last node.

The error we’re getting is the following and seems that a vBucket has no stats:

Rebalance exited with reason {mover_crashed, {unexpected_exit, {‘EXIT’,<0.12958.2611>, {{dcp_wait_for_data_move_failed,“iot_dxc”, 563,‘ns_1@couch-0006.couch.couch-cl01.svc’, [‘ns_1@couch-0009.couch.couch-cl01.svc’], {error,no_stats_for_this_vbucket}}, [{ns_single_vbucket_mover, ‘-wait_dcp_data_move/5-fun-0-’,5, [{file,“src/ns_single_vbucket_mover.erl”}, {line,483}]}, {proc_lib,init_p,3, [{file,“proc_lib.erl”},{line,234}]}]}}}}. Rebalance Operation Id = 3ffd63c27fd6a24709c7b370d74f7a79

Can someone help us to troubleshoot and solve this issue?

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