I hosted two couchbase instances on two different servers. I could add both node as part of one cluster. But on trying to rebalance, I am getting an error “Rebalance exited with reason {mover_crashed, unexpected_exit, {‘EXIT’,<0.25927.802>,{{bulk_set_vbucket_state_failed”, {error, {{badmatch,error,etimeout}},[{dcp_proxy,connect,5}
rebalanceReport (3).zip (21.6 KB)
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This got solved by adding following inbound ports on each node: 4369, 8091-8094, 9100-9105, 9110-9118, 9120-9122, 9130, 9999, 11209-11210, 21100, 9999, 11206, 11207, 18091-18094, 19102, 19130, 21150
Here’s the updated list of inbound ports: 4369, 8091-8096, 9100-9105, 9110-9118, 9120-9122, 9130, 9999, 11209-11211, 21100, 9999, 11206, 11207, 18091-18094, 19102, 19130, 21150, 8091-8096, 8097, 18097, 9124
Remember if the backup replication fails, then ensure backup service is added across the nodes. Sometimes restarting the Couchbase service also helps.
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