Recover data from crashed cluster (or read .cbb files)

Hey there,

we had a couchbase cluster of four machines with 64G RAM with replica count 1. At some point, one server after the other maxed out on RAM and became unresponsive. That way, the whole cluster collapsed, and when the machines came back (I restarted the couchbase processes) they were unable to recover/rebalance. The cluster contained two buckets, a tiny one with only a few thousand docs and another one with ~120M docs.

I now have to get out the data - what I have are the data dirs of each node in the cluster. I also have a backup (~70G, which was roughly our data size so it might be complete) made with cbbackup. This backup, however, failed with a SASL error before it completed. I can’t use it with cbrestore, but it contains .cbb files with our docs (I assume).

Is there a tool to read the .cbb files or does anybody have an idea how to recover the cluster data from what was written to disk?

The .cbb files are actually in SQLite3 format, so you can use any tool which can manipulate these files. There’s a decent blog post on exporting data which may be useful to you:

Thank you so much @drigby! I really could have run file on the .cbbs :flushed: