We are using Couchbase community edition 6.5 edition with gocb.v1 client package for golang. We are getting 28k performance for direct access of documents based on document key on 16 Core/32 GB machines with Couch Base on different machine (same sub net and same hardware details).
Another point is to highlight is that our product is having N1QL queries running over multiple buckets. When we pump the load to our application more than a particular rate, we start getting EOF or connection refused parameter. We tried to tune multiple parameters at CB end, but have no results/impact. Please suggest on this.
Based on the seeing the quotations and our customer commitments, we are planning to migrate to other database. Please suggest if there is any provision to get the better performance.
We only have the 8000 document in a particular bucket.
We are running only single query i.e. “select * from bucetname where cond1”
Will post the cb_collect logs in a while.
@raju, we have the total of 8000 documents where we are fetching the data using direct key.
We have another data where we are running N1QL query, where we are getting the performance not more that 2.5K for simple N1QL query "select SDB.* from SDB where tai=“987:954:00303A”'. In the bucket where this query is getting executed, are having 50 documents.
We are having single node in CouchDB cluster. with 16 Core, 32 GB RAM.
Regarding the logs, is there provision to upload the same as size is very large. I can share teh same via my email Id “bharat.gupta9892@gmail.com”
The log analysis is the right way to give a proper solution for the problem, but here are some actions that you might help you to speed up your performance:
@raju. Your response is highly appreciated.
Well have few more queries, is there any significant gain in performance that you guys see upgrading from gocb.v1 to gocb.v2. We are using GO SDK for interaction with CB.
Also, any significant improvement in running the N1QL queries using gocb.v2 package instead of direct query like “select SD.* from SDB where tai = “<tai_value>””.
@Bharat_Gupta I was on vacation just came back. Here are some observations from the log files:
Are you using Full Text Search? I see bunch of errors. If not, you can turn off that service
I am also seeing
[ns_server:error,2020-10-23T09:05:47.861-04:00,ns_1@<0.12520.5>:mc_binary:try_get_xattr:579]Subdoc multi lookup error: arguments: #Port<0.36211> <<“NRF:service-nrfproxyamf:admin:admin”>> 996 <<“$XTOC”>>, response: {memcached_error,
Not sure what you are trying here
Also how are you running the N1QL queries from Go SDK or via REST API?