Remote certificate name mismatch error is ignored by default

Using CouchbaseNetClient 3.6.4 nuget package in .NET 8.

When I’m connecting to CB using TLS, a remote certificate name mismatch error is ignored by default. However, if I assign the KvCertificateCallbackValidation delegate, the error is reported to it.

var options = new ClusterOptions
    ConnectionString = "...",
    EnableTls = true,
    KvIgnoreRemoteCertificateNameMismatch = false
    // etc.

clusterOptions.KvCertificateCallbackValidation += (sender, certificate, chain, errors) =>
    // if this delegate is assigned, it receives a call with errors = RemoteCertificateNameMismatch

var cluster = await Couchbase.Cluster.ConnectAsync(clusterOptions).ConfigureAwait(false);
await cluster.WaitUntilReadyAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)).ConfigureAwait(false);

If I do the same with a nuget package earlier than 3.6.0, the name mismatch causes WaitUntilReadyAsync() to throw UnambiguousTimeoutException instead.

Is the client library swallowing the error on purpose?

I checked the release notes of 3.6.0 and can only see unrelated changes. There is a certificate-related change but it’s about client certificates, not server certificates.

The default callback will only ignore name mismatch when KvIgnoreRemoteCertificateNameMismatch is true. show your cluster options for certificate validation? This might be related to Jira

This is what my ClusterOptions looks like:

return new ClusterOptions
    KvTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
    TcpKeepAliveTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(4),
    QueryTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(4),
    ConnectionString = "couchbase://...",
    EnableTls = true,
    EnableTcpKeepAlives = true,
    UserName = "...",
    Password = "...",
    Serializer = new DefaultSerializer(
        deserializationSettings: new JsonSerializerSettings { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All },
        serializerSettings: new JsonSerializerSettings { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All, ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver() }),
    X509CertificateFactory = new CertificateStoreFactory(new CertificateStoreSearchCriteria
                FindValue = "",
                X509FindType = X509FindType.FindBySubjectName,
                StoreLocation = StoreLocation.LocalMachine,
                StoreName = StoreName.Root,
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