Replicate Couchbase Lite Local using REST API POST to _replicate hangs

I have Couchbase Lite running using the couchbase-lite-local.jar so I can interact withe CBL using the REST API.

java -jar couchbase-lite-local.jar

I am able to create a database, and POST documents to it (using Python requests module).

#create db
resp = requests.put('http://localhost:5984/pizza', auth=('2974f70d-a653-4d9a-9e28-bc2b622ce0cf', '3525695d-a95b-497d-9c95-a33f57348c86'))

#add doc
doc = {"size": "large", "name" : "hawaiian"}
heads =  {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

resp ='http://localhost:5984/pizza', data=json.dumps(doc), headers=heads, auth=('2974f70d-a653-4d9a-9e28-bc2b622ce0cf', '3525695d-a95b-497d-9c95-a33f57348c86'))

#so far no problems

I also have Sync Gateway running on a Server. I enabled GUEST access. I verify this is working by opening up the URL (note: I substituted for the real public IP). Also, if I paste into a browser, it returns a JSON document:


So it looks good. However, if I POST to _replicate on my CBL, it hangs forever until a timeout.

doc = {"source" : "pizza", "target" : ""}

heads =  {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

resp ='http://localhost:5984/_replicate', data=json.dumps(doc), headers=heads, auth=('2974f70d-a653-4d9a-9e28-bc2b622ce0cf', '3525695d-a95b-497d-9c95-a33f57348c86'))

I also tried posting to :4985 and it hangs with no response. Any ideas?

Thank you!

FYI, I was able to run Apache CouchDB on my client machine, and send the same “/_replicate” command to it’s REST API and it syncs to my Sync Gateway without issue. I assume there is something wrong with the couchbase-lite-local.jar wrapper (see or the syntax is slightly off and not documented correctly.

I have the same problem, and report on github:

but no response.