We are trying to replicate the documents from one bucket to another using SG. However, when we start the SG, no replication occurs between the two buckets. Below is our sample SG config file.
We have referred SG config examples on github.
“users”: { “GUEST”: { “disabled”: false, “admin_channels”: [""] } },
“event_handlers”: {
“max_processes” : 1000,
“wait_for_process” : “20”,
“document_changed”: [
“handler”: “webhook”,
“url”: "https://********************.com/api/push/webhook",
“timeout”: 20,
“filter”: function(doc) { if (doc.type == "quickTask" || doc.type == "advTask") { if(doc.onIt) return true; } return false; }
“sync”:function(doc,oldDoc){ if (!doc.type) { throw ({forbidden: "A document must have a type"}); } if (oldDoc) { if (oldDoc.type != doc.type) { throw ({forbidden: "A document cannot change its type"}); } } channel(doc.channels) }
“allow_empty_password”: true,
“users”: { “GUEST”: { “disabled”: false, “admin_channels”: [""] } },
Please let us know how to proceed further.