Reporting with couchbase as data store

Hi All,
We have a requirement to generate some charts(bar chart, line chart) based on data stored in couchbase. On backend we can use N1QL query and get the data but what is a good tool to generate chart on frontend. Couchbase analytics is not supported currently in our company so that will not be an option.


Hi @aqua123,

somehow this got missed for a while.
Knowi: Couchbase Reporting And Visualization - Couchbase Business Intelligence
For simple things: Simple dataviz with N1QL and Google Sheets. - The Couchbase Blog

/cc @binh.le

I find it pretty crazy that none of the major BI / analytics solutions have a built-in connector to Couchbase.
Some would support it via a JDBC / ODBC connector, but those are commercial, and (very) far from cheap.
So far the only open-source solution I have found is which is pretty nice for most basic use cases.

JetBrains have authored a simple JDBC connector, and they’ll be talking about it with DataGrip support at Couchbase Connect. You should register and attend at least that session (and perhaps more)…

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Thanks for the tip… I was indeed planning to send some team members to the event. Definitely interesting!

Hey Matt, I couldn’t find that session in the agenda… Was it dropped?

My apologies- it looks like this didn’t make it in time. I didn’t know that.

The project is on github , in case you haven’t found it yet and my team has been helping them a bit with questions as they develop DataGrip support.