We have a Couchbase Enterprise 6.5.1 server and we are using Java SDK 2.7.7 client. Our service was working fine until last week when we implemented a business logic to reduce the number of DB calls. Now after this we are seeing some Request cancelled in-flight exceptions.
org.springframework.data.couchbase.core.OperationCancellationException: Request cancelled in-flight.; nested exception is com.couchbase.client.core.RequestCancelledException: Request cancelled in-flight.
at org.springframework.data.couchbase.core.CouchbaseExceptionTranslator.translateExceptionIfPossible(CouchbaseExceptionTranslator.java:107)
at org.springframework.data.couchbase.core.CouchbaseTemplate.execute(CouchbaseTemplate.java:556)
at org.springframework.data.couchbase.core.CouchbaseTemplate.queryN1QL(CouchbaseTemplate.java:510)
at org.springframework.data.couchbase.core.CouchbaseTemplate.findByN1QL(CouchbaseTemplate.java:445)
I have gone through this forum and found this error generally occurs for older versions of client SDK.
Is there anything we can do to remove this error on our end?
@Ashish_Mishra this error comes up when a network socket is closed and a request has been in-flight on that socket. So something happened on your network at that time. If you have java SDK logging enabled with info and above, at a similar time window you should see what could’ve caused that exception.
Was it a one-off or is it coming at (regular) intervals?
Also note that you are on a quite old SDK version - please consider upgrading to SDK 3 soon or at least pick up the latest 2.7.x version so that you have all the bugfixes and minimize incompatibilities with later server versions.
@kaintharinder in SDK 2 there is no automatic retry for this kind of exception because we do not know what side effect it could have caused on the server side if it was a mutation operation (even with n1ql you could’ve performed a DML operation). If you know that your n1ql quers is select-only and idempotent, you can retry yourself.
SDK 3 is more advanced in this regard, if you set readonly(true) on the QueryOptions then the SDK will retry it for you.
Mostly we will go with custom retry for the time being.
Can you suggest a sure shot way to reproduce this for testing , currently it is intermittent and we are not able to reproduce it on purpose.
@kaintharinder you can put constant query load on a system and then stop the node, or interrupt the sockets with i.e. a firewall. Or you put some kind of proxy in the middle which allows you to cut of sockets while operations are in-flight.