Requests over Threshold found after migrating to Java SDK 3.2.2 from 2.7

Hi Team,

I’ve recently upgraded our java sdk client from 2.7 to 3.2.2 and the spring-data-couchbase client from 3.1.9.RELEASE to 4.2.2. Everything seems to be working fine but I’m seeing constant Requests over threshold found warn logs. I’ve seen similar posts and it has been suggested to set queryThreshold and emitInterval properties in cluster environment. I’ve some doubts here.

  1. What is the default query threshold?
  2. Is the query threshold same as queryTimeout because that we are already setting in the cluster env config.
  3. Why did we not see these in 2x version, is it something which is newly introduced?

Thanks in advance.

See Warning 'Requests over Threshold found' Java SDK