Return records where array is empty

How do I query records where one of the fields that is an array is empty. The structure of my document looks like:

            "_CAS": 1556224896985268224,
            "_ID": "24be9252-13ca-4293-b9bf-6914ad0aec08",
            "_class": "",
            "absolutePath": "/Users/mauro.monti/photos/source1/photo5 copy.png",
            "created": 1556213808755,
            "filename": "photo5 copy.png",
            "metadata": {},
            "source": "b23a8c6b-8dc3-446c-bbe3-67aaaf0a60fe",
            "tags": []

I tried something like:

SELECT ARRAY_LENGTH(plex.tags) AS tagsCount, META(`plex`).id AS _ID, META(`plex`).cas AS _CAS, `plex`.* 
FROM `plex`
WHERE `_class` = "" 
AND tagsCount > 0;

But got no results.
Any suggestion?


The order of evaluation is FROM—> WHERE —> Projection ----> ORDER BY----> OFFSET---->LIMIT.
Any alias names can be used only in the next operation. So projection alias can’t be used in WHERE clause.

SELECT ARRAY_LENGTH(plex.tags) AS tagsCount, META(`plex`).id AS _ID, META(`plex`).cas AS _CAS, `plex`.* 
FROM `plex`
WHERE `_class` = "" 
AND    ARRAY_LENGTH(plex.tags) > 0;
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