Rev is not replicated via XDCR after insert


I’m running CouchaseBase Enterprise 5.0 on 2 servers which is replicated via XDCR. When creating new docs on server 1, I noticed that the docs is replicated but rev of that docs is not replicated to server 2:

  1. On server 2:
  "id": "User_610058",
  "rev": "1-14fc55eb932000000000000002000000",
  "expiration": 0,
  "flags": 33554432
  1. On server 1:

“id”: “User_610058”,
“rev”: “1208-14fc55eb932000000000000002000000”,
“expiration”: 0,
“flags”: 33554432

As you can see, on server 1 when create that document, the REV is 1208, but on replicated server 2, REV is 1

And next time, when there is update in server 2, the REV increase to 2, but 2 < 1208, so it was not replicated to server 1 anymore, causing error

Kindly advice ? Thank you

Could you post the error message? As far as I can see revision is the same after dash sign, and it is not guaranteed to be the same after replication. Is there some document, where you find the statement that it should be the same?

As mention above, if not the same, then if we change the document in server 2, it can not replicate to server 1.


By right, when create new document, the REV should start from 1, but here the value is 1208. Anyway to fix it ?

Thank you

Hello, are there anybody have advice for this ?