Search Query fails in node SDK4

Currently, I am using node SDK 3.2.4 and server version 6.6.5 and I upgraded to node SDK 4.0.0.
I get InternalServerFailureError: internal server failure whenever I do a cluster.searchQuery.
It works fine on SDK 3.2.4 but breaks in SDK 4

 InternalServerFailureError: internal server failure
    at errorFromCpp (/pathtoproject/node_modules/couchbase/dist/bindingutilities.js:454:20)
    at /pathtoproject/node_modules/couchbase/dist/connection.js:99:71 {
  cause: [Error: internal_server_failure] {
    ctxtype: 'search',
    code: 5,
    client_context_id: 'b5cf8d37-2a90-4259-2bc0-0b5c7a8a608c',
    index_name: "hidden" 
    query: "hidden"
    parameters: "hidden",
    method: 'POST',
    path: 'hidden',
    http_status: 400,
    http_body: '{"error":"rest_index: Query, indexName: hidden, err: bleve: QueryBleve parsing searchRequest, err: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type map[string]interface {}","request":hidden,"status":"fail"}\n',
    last_dispatched_to: 'hidden',
    last_dispatched_from: 'hidden',
    retry_attempts: 0,
    retry_reasons: []
  context: SearchErrorContext {
    index_name: 'hidden',
    query: 'hidden',
    parameters: 'hidden',
    http_response_code: 400,
    http_response_body: '{"error":"rest_index: Query, indexName: hidden, err: bleve: QueryBleve parsing searchRequest, err: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type map[string]interface {}","request":hidden}'

I get the above error with SDK 4. Any help would be appreciated

Hey @adityajadhav,

We identified this recently and are planning to have a fix available for the 4.0.1 release. You can keep track of its progress here: Loading...

Cheers, Brett