I’m trying to query a View with the .NET Couchbase SDK using the following code:
var bucket = ClusterHelper.GetBucket("mybucket");
var query = bucket.CreateQuery("dev_doc", "my_view").Limit(5);
var queryResult = Bucket.Query<object>(query);
foreach (var item in queryResult.Rows)
Console.WriteLine($"Id: {item.Id}");
But in the queryResult
I’m getting the following exception: “A request has been made for a service that is not configured or supported by the cluster. Please check the cluster and enable or add a new node with the requested service: View.”
What can be wrong? Am I missing some configuration in my cluster? I tried to query the view through the management console, and that works fine. I also tried to publish the view to production and query that, but I’m getting the samer error.