Service service_fts returned incorrect status


I´m trying to run a local Couchbase with docker-compose file.
If the cluster has already initialized, the node is joined to that cluster, but I have always the following error relative to Service service_fts returned incorrect status, if the cluster has already initialized or not.

I´ve checked the logs and I found some errors about Failed to grab service fts status and Failed to grab service index status, I don´t know if I miss something during the configuration.

Hi @Alba_Fernandez_Suare Can you pls share more details about your environment - how it was created? If possible, can you pls also share the couchbase logs (Manage Logging | Couchbase Docs)

Hello @mihir.kamdar ,

There is an attached zip with the docker-compose and errro log files, and the following image shows logs from the Couchbase for the first time (initialize the cluster) and the next time (join the cluster): (5.6 KB)

I hope this information helps,

Many thanks


I have same issue,
Did you find any reresolution for this?