Using couchnode, the example shows that to access a bucket you just do :
var couchbase = require(‘couchbase’);
var myCluster = new couchbase.Cluster(‘serverIP:8091’);
This is not secure because anyone who has the server IP can connect to Couchbase.
Coming from mysql, I would set a user and password for the database on the server, then I would have to give a username and password in the client.
Could you explain, or point me to docs where it is explained, how to set a password for clusters/buckets in couchbase server, and then how to access them in couchnode? Thanks
After looking in the docs I found that I can do var myBucket = myCluster.openBucket(‘default’, ‘password’);
I set the password in the admin by connecting to serverIP:8091 and pasting a random password in the Access Control of the bucket. No clue about the username though.
I could connect to the bucket yesterday with password set but today I get the error “'cannot perform operations on a shutdown bucket”. I don('t understand because it was working yesterday.
Also, this shows me how to restrict access to a bucket, but how to restrict access to a cluster?
Here are some sample code that can help you set up username/password for cluster:
var couchbaseInstances = new List() { new Uri(“http://localhost:8091/pools”) };
var config = new ClientConfiguration()
ViewRequestTimeout = 45000,
Servers = couchbaseInstances,
PoolConfiguration = new PoolConfiguration { MinSize = 10, MaxSize = 10 }
var cluster = new Cluster(config);
var clusterManager = cluster.CreateManager(userName, password);
var result = clusterManager.CreateBucket(bucketName);
No I created a different bucket that I named different than ‘default’. In my previous message I had just copy-pasted the example from the docs.
It was not working, but then I re-went to the admin panel and re-saved the password in the bucket edit modal, and now it’s working again. Is it possible that if I access couchbase server from different clients, they could have a different default username or something?
Is there also a username to access the bucket, or just the password? Chrome tried to save the password with username “4200”.
In Couchbase, we don’t have bucket users. Applications authenticate to Couchbase buckets using the bucket name and password.
Is it possible that if I access couchbase server from different clients, they could have a different default username or something?
Unless they are connecting to different buckets, the applications will use same bucketname and password.
Is there also a username to access the bucket, or just the password? Chrome tried to save the password with username “4200”.
There is no username as there are no bucket users. It’s just the bucketname and password.
Can you describe more about the scenario when you say “Chrome tried to save the password with username 4200”? Is this when logging into the cluster, or accessing the buckets. If you can provide some screenshots, that will help here.