I am using .NET SDK for connection to a Server (Currently only a single machine), I am using it for my cache and the CouchBase Server communication is handled by a singleton class which opens a bucket initially and kept it open , the code inside my class to open the bucket is
var _cluster = ClusterHelper.Get();
var _defaultBucket = ClusterHelper.GetBucket(_bucket);// _bucket is initailised to my bucket name currently default.
And I am using this in a web application , above code is executed only on the first request. subsequent requests use the same object and uses the _default bucket to add/ edit/delete docs from the bucket.but it seems that after some time my Server communication is either time out or too slow, Is there a problem sharing the same object across different requests(each request adds a unique key value pair and read it.)
The code for adding a document is as below
public bool Add(string key, T value)
if (_defaultBucket.Exists(key))
return _defaultBucket.Upsert(key, value).Success;
var result = _defaultBucket.Insert(key, value);
return result.Success;
private void CheckConnection()
if (!_initialized) Initilize();
if (!_cluster.IsOpen(_bucket)) _defaultBucket = ClusterHelper.GetBucket(_bucket);
Hi @jereesh,
We recommend sharing a single instance of a bucket for the lifetime of the application. This is due to the setup time and resources need to configure setup the bucket connection.
ClusterHelper found in the SDK is a singleton implementation and the recommended way to get a bucket instance.
First call ClusterHelper.Initialize, with the settings for the cluster.
There after call ClusterHelper.GetBucket, with bucket name and password to get a shared a thread safe instance to the bucket.
I hope this helps
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Hi Martin,
I am using it as singleton only Here is my code , All classes using interface ISingleton is Singleton Which are created by an IOC container
public class CouchCacheBase : ISingletonContext
IList _cacheServers;
bool _initialized;
ClientConfiguration _clientConfig;
bool _disposed;
IBucket _defaultBucket;
Cluster _cluster;
string _bucket;
public CouchCacheBase(IList<Uri> servers,string bucket)
_bucket = bucket;
_cacheServers = servers == null ? new List<Uri>() : servers;
public void Initilize()
_clientConfig = new ClientConfiguration();
if (_cacheServers.Count == 0)
_cacheServers.Add(new Uri(Properties.Settings.Default.CouchUri));
_cluster = ClusterHelper.Get();
_defaultBucket = ClusterHelper.GetBucket(_bucket);
_initialized = true;
public bool Add<T>(string key, T value)
if (_defaultBucket.Exists(key))
return _defaultBucket.Upsert<T>(key, value).Success;
var result = _defaultBucket.Insert<T>(key, value);
return result.Success;
public bool AddOrUpdate<T>(string key, T value)
var result = _defaultBucket.Upsert<T>(key, value);
return result.Success;
public T Get<T>(string key)
var result = _defaultBucket.Get<T>(key);
if (result.Success)
return result.Value;
return default(T);
public T Remove<T>(string key)
if (!_defaultBucket.Exists(key))
return default(T);
var result = _defaultBucket.Get<T>(key);
return result.Value;
public void Dispose()
if (!_disposed)
if (ClusterHelper.Get().IsOpen(_bucket))
_disposed = true;
private void CheckConnection()
if (!_initialized) Initilize();
if (!_cluster.IsOpen(_bucket)) _defaultBucket = ClusterHelper.GetBucket(_bucket);
Is anything Wrong with the code ? Or is it My server is causing issues.
Hi @jereesh,
The code look okay nothing that stands out as being wrong.
What IOC Framework are you using? Is it possible that it creates more than one instance?
I have just tried to see how I could get two instances using ClusterHelper…
var c1 = ClusterHelper.Get();
var c2 = ClusterHelper.Get();
bool equal = c1 == c2; // FALSE
Could it be that the ICO framework runs Initialize more than once?
I am using Castle Windsor as IOC, The object is created only once and I have tested it by adding some logs. The Initialize method is called only once when the Object first get created then it is being reused for all subsequent requests.