Simple N1QL on array


Below is the document,

“users”: [
“userId”: “1”,
“username”: “admin”,
“password”: “111”,
“userType”: “admin”
“userId”: “2”,
“username”: “x”,
“password”: “222”,
“userType”: “user”
“userId”: “3”,
“username”: “y”,
“password”: “333”,
“userType”: “user”

Need N1QL to generate this output

“userId”: “1”,
“username”: “admin”,
“password”: “111”,
“userType”: “admin”
“userId”: “2”,
“username”: “x”,
“password”: “222”,
“userType”: “user”
“userId”: “3”,
“username”: “y”,
“password”: “333”,
“userType”: “user”

Kindly required ASAP.


If you have the above as a single document in bucket “temp” (its ID doesn’t matter), you can get the desired result using this query:

select raw users from temp unnest users

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Thanks you very much @johan_larson, its working…