I have created a Couchbase 5.0 cluster of 9 nodes. We already have another CDH 5.12 cluster of 15 nodes with Spark 2.2 on it. I am trying to use spark shell to connect to Couchbase. When launching spark shell, I pass in these parameters:
- —packages com.couchbase.client:spark-connector_2.11:2.2.0
- —conf “spark.couchbase.bucket.travel-sample=“
- —conf “spark.couchbase.nodes=ip1;ip2;ip3,…”
- —conf “com.couchbase.username=username“
- —conf “com.couchbase.password=password“
The error I get is:
- com.couchbase.client.core.config.ConfigurationException: Could not open bucket.
- Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not load bucket configuration: ACCESS_ERROR(Unauthorized)
- Caused by: rx.exceptions.OnErrorThrowable$OnNextValue: OnError while emitting onNext value: com.couchbase.client.core.message.config.BucketConfigResponse.class
If someone has any idea on what to do, please let me know.