Are you getting any kind of errors or are you saying the generated query is not giving back any results and if so does the query runs successfully returning back the data when using Couchbase UI.
Hi - Can you please show the actual example of the code that doesn’t work and details of how it doesn’t work? (i.e. wrong answer or throws an exception), and one document that you expect to be selected? You mention you are using spring-data-couchbase, but the query just uses cluster from the Java SDK - spring-data-couchbase is not involved. I can suggest looking for N1QL examples that select on dates.
The query does not throw any exception as such but fails to apply the Date filter and end up returning empty rows.
(i.e QueryResult.rows is empty)
Thanks for the recommendation with the spring version, I will discuss it with my team,
Q1) For the existing issue on LocalDate, do we have any workaround for that? The same Query was working fine earlier with the spring-data-Couhbase repository using @Query.
Issue when used Spring-Data-Couchbase which uses @Query
Regarding spring-data-couchbase, the same Query when run using the @Query with @params like below, throw a different exception. It was working in the older version of spring-data-couchbase. I got to know we need to modify and use __cas and __id to avoid NPE (from your recommendations) and I did the respective changes and I get this new error as below.
@Query("SELECT META(alias).id AS __id, META(alias).cas AS __cas, alias_2.* "
+ "FROM #{#n1ql.bucket} alias"
+ "UNNEST alias.dataArray AS alias_2"
+ "WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(META(alias).id, $docIdPrefix) "
+ "AND alias_2.LocalDate(date1) <= "2021-12-31" **(which is $end)**
+ "AND alias_2.LocalDate(date2) >= "2021-10-28 " *(which is $start)*
+ "AND ANY day IN alias_2.integerArray SATISFIES day IN [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] *(which is $frequency )* END "
+ "ORDER BY alias_2.LocalDate(date1) ")
List<Schedule> findAllDataByIdLikeAndDate(@Param("docIdPrefix") String docIdPrefix,
@Param("start") LocalDate start,
@Param("end") LocalDate end,
@Param("frequency") JsonArray frequency);
“illegal argument exception java property must not be null”
for other Query,
2) " [java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant " (same Query was working fine with defined Writer and Reader convertors in Couchbase Config)
Q2) Any idea on this Exception?
(This seems to be a different issue but I can open up a different chat for that - do let me know)
The more complete information you provide, the less time I’ll spend reproducing and the more time I’ll have to troubleshoot. (i.e. provide the whole repository class, the whole Schedule class and the code that is calling this). And the stack trace of the exceptoin.
The spring-data query won’t work if the Java SDK query doesn’t work as spring-data-couchbase calls the java sdk.
Also - it’s not possible to know if the query should select documents without knowing what the documents are.
" (same Query was working fine with defined Writer and Reader convertors in Couchbase Config)
So why not use those converters?
alias_2.LocalDate(date1) <= “2021-12-31” (which is $end)
I don’t understand. $end would be $end. “2021-12-13” is “2021-12-31”.
The query as provided does not compile (even after replacing the hard-coded values with their parameters).
There needs to be a space before the closing quotes on lines 2 and 3.
alias_2.LocalDate(date1) does not parse. I’m not sure what the intention is.
I am not sure above one is right N1QL doesn’t know about LocalDate. Also you can’t use dot function name unless it is udf function on specific namespace in the N1QL. one can use like func(alias2.date1)
if you need date1 to compare with “2021-12-31”
AND alias_2.date1 <= “2021-12-31”
AND alias_2.date1 <= $end named parameter end bind as string by converting the java LocalDate
This works fine on 4.3.0-RC1. If your LocalDates were stored in documents as Strings, you’ll need to convert your parameters like: alias_2.date2 >= MILLIS_TO_STR($start)
List<User> users = userRepository.findAllDataByIdLikeAndDate("1*", LocalDate.of(2020, 10, 1),
LocalDate.of(2021, 10, 31), JsonArray.create().add(1).add(2));
assertEquals(1, users.size());
@Query("SELECT META(alias).id AS __id, META(alias).cas AS __cas, alias_2.* "
+ "FROM #{#n1ql.bucket} alias "
+ "UNNEST alias.dataArray AS alias_2 "
+ "WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(META(alias).id, $docIdPrefix) "
+ "AND alias_2.date1 <= $end "
+ "AND alias_2.date2 >= $start "
+ "AND ANY day IN alias_2.integerArray SATISFIES day IN $frequency END "
+ "ORDER BY alias_2.date2 ")
List<User> findAllDataByIdLikeAndDate(
@Param("docIdPrefix") String docIdPrefix,
@Param("start") LocalDate start,
@Param("end") LocalDate end,
@Param("frequency") JsonArray frequency);
Note - We store the dates in String (LocalDate Object) in couchbase and not epoch time (more details as below)
Regarding the spring version, at the moment we don’t have the feasibility to upgrade to 4.3.X . Is there any way that we can make this Query work without upgrading the version?
Complete Query
@Query("SELECT META(prep).id AS __id, META(prep).cas AS __cas, prep.* "
+ "FROM #{n1ql.bucket} prep "
+ "UNNEST prep.schedules AS sch "
+ "WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(META(prep).id, $docIdPrefix) "
+ "AND sch.periodOfOperation.startDate <= $endDate "
+ "AND sch.periodOfOperation.endDate >= $startDate "
+ "AND ANY day IN sch.daysOfOperation SATISFIES day IN $frequencies END "
+ “ORDER BY sch.periodOfOperation.startDate”)
List findAllSchedulesByIdLikeAndDatePeriod(@Param(“docIdPrefix”) String docIdPrefix, @Param(“startDate”) LocalDate startDate, @Param(“endDate”) LocalDate endDate, @Param(“frequencies”) JsonArray frequencies);
"AND sch.periodOfOperation.endDate >= $startDate "
what i am saying startDate convert to string and try as named parameter @Param(“startDate”) String startDate, ====> @Param(“startDate”) String “2021-01-01”
But that’s not the same query. That uses string literals instead of LocalDate $start and $end parameters. And that’s why it works.
Change your $start and $end parameters to String, and that will work as well. Like @vsr1 said.
(to use parameters in the query console, specify them in Run-time Preferences (the gear in the top-right beside IMPORT EXPORT).