I was testing query in Query tab of workbench and noticed I get different results on each execution while the documents have not been added/updated/deleted. On each “Execute” button click, I would get either correct result or partial result.
Screen cast:
SELECT RAW d.ball.position
(ARRAY {s.playerId, s.isResultIn, s.type, p.pointData.serveClass, p.pointData.scorer.playerId,
'detail': (ARRAY detail
FOR detail IN s.detail
WHEN detail.keyLocation = 'BOUNCE'
AND ABS(detail.ball.position.y) > ((4.1148 / 3) * 2) AND ABS(detail.ball.position.y) <= 99999999
AND ABS(detail.ball.position.y) <= 4.1148
AND ABS(detail.ball.position.x) <= 6.4 END)
FOR s IN p.pointData.shot END) AS shot
FROM CourtTracking p
WHERE p.type = 'point'
AND p.isValid = true
AND p.pointData.tournament.year = 9999
AND p.pointData.tournament.`number` = 999
AND p.pointData.match.matchId = '999'
AND p.`set` != 0
AND p.isValid = true
AND p.type = 'point'
AND p.pointData.shot IS NOT MISSING
AND p.serve = 1
AND array_contains(['RETURNED', 'NOT RETURNED'], p.pointData.serveClass)
AND p.pointData.server.playerId = '999'
AND p.pointData.scorer.playerId != '999'
AND p.point % 2 = 1
) AS t UNNEST t.shot[0:1] AS s
UNNEST s.detail as d
WHERE s.playerId = '999'
AND s.isResultIn = true
AND s.type='SERVE'
AND ARRAY_LENGTH(s.detail)>0