I have a mobile app that uses sync gateway to exchange info. User can see all public documents - and can only create/update/delete own documents (also if public).
Now, I have one document that appears to be “empty”:
The meta data looks like this:
"meta": {
"id": "Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0",
"rev": "266-16489bf3205d00000000000000000000",
"expiration": 0,
"flags": 0,
"type": "json"
"xattrs": {
"_sync": {
"rev": "4-4bc4cab710d2760daec66b58082f1f83334fc021",
"flags": 1,
"sequence": 1371320,
"recent_sequences": [
"history": {
"revs": [
"parents": [
"deleted": [
"channels": [
"cas": "0x00005d20f39b4816",
"value_crc32c": "0x297bd0aa",
"tombstoned_at": 1605704752,
"time_saved": "2020-11-18T14:05:52.503273506+01:00"
I went to the Sync gateway server and looked for that key in the sg_info.log and found a lot of communication (left out similar entries in between start and end):
2020-11-16T22:56:56.534+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync doc id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, ispublic: true, userkey=EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0, creation
2020-11-16T22:56:56.534+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync public, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0
2020-11-16T22:56:56.534+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync User owned, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, type: Catch, user: EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0
2020-11-16T22:56:56.534+01:00 [INF] c:[7c785598] Sync fn rejected doc "Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0" / "" --> 403 sg wrong user
2020-11-16T22:56:57.153+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync doc id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, ispublic: true, userkey=EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0, creation
2020-11-16T22:56:57.153+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync public, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0
2020-11-16T22:56:57.153+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync User owned, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, type: Catch, user: EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0
2020-11-16T22:56:57.154+01:00 [INF] c:[51198d8c] Sync fn rejected doc "Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0" / "" --> 403 sg wrong user
2020-11-16T22:57:01.440+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync doc id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, ispublic: true, userkey=EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0, creation
2020-11-16T22:57:01.440+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync public, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0
2020-11-16T22:57:01.440+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync User owned, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, type: Catch, user: EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0
2020-11-16T22:57:01.440+01:00 [INF] c:[7c785598] Sync fn rejected doc "Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0" / "" --> 403 sg wrong user
2020-11-16T22:57:01.672+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync doc id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, ispublic: true, userkey=EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0, creation
2020-11-16T22:57:01.672+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync public, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0
2020-11-16T22:57:01.672+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync User owned, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, type: Catch, user: EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0
2020-11-16T22:57:01.672+01:00 [INF] c:[51198d8c] Sync fn rejected doc "Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0" / "" --> 403 sg wrong user
2020-11-16T23:29:19.936+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync doc id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, ispublic: true, userkey=EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0, creation
2020-11-16T23:29:19.936+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync public, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0
2020-11-16T23:29:19.936+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync User owned, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, type: Catch, user: EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0
2020-11-16T23:29:19.936+01:00 [INF] c:[791688d1] Sync fn rejected doc "Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0" / "" --> 403 sg wrong user
2020-11-18T10:58:16.222+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync doc id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, ispublic: true, userkey=EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0, creation
2020-11-18T10:58:16.222+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync public, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0
2020-11-18T10:58:16.222+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync User owned, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, type: Catch, user: EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0
2020-11-18T10:58:16.222+01:00 [INF] c:[5a5c723a] Sync fn rejected doc "Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0" / "" --> 403 sg wrong user
2020-11-18T11:56:40.044+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync doc id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, ispublic: true, userkey=EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0, creation
2020-11-18T11:56:40.044+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync public, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0
2020-11-18T11:56:40.044+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync User owned, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, type: Catch, user: EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0
2020-11-18T11:56:40.044+01:00 [INF] c:[5b4cacad] Sync fn rejected doc "Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0" / "" --> 403 sg wrong user
2020-11-18T11:56:46.084+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync doc id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, ispublic: true, userkey=EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0, creation
2020-11-18T11:56:46.084+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync public, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0
2020-11-18T11:56:46.084+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync User owned, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, type: Catch, user: EF9E7F3513256C88C12583DB006C50A0
2020-11-18T11:56:46.084+01:00 [INF] c:[5b4cacad] Sync fn rejected doc "Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0" / "" --> 403 sg wrong user
2020-11-18T14:05:52.502+01:00 [INF] Javascript: Sync doc deleted, id: Catch:1589131910328DB006C50A0, no oldDoc
It seems like the document was created on 2020-11-16 - but that confuses me a bit as the fishing trip that this catch document belongs to was last edited on 2020-10-05… (and those should align up unless some logic is broken or the app crashed in the middle of the work). Could creation mean that the user uninstalled the app and reinstalled it - so creation comes from the server?
The sync function (where some of the messages come from) looks like this:
function (doc, oldDoc) {
function _log(t) {
// Write to sg_info.log
console.log('' + t);
function _getUserKey(d) {
var key = null;
if (d) {
if (d.type == 'User') {
key = d.key;
} else {
key = d.userkey;
return key;
if (doc && doc._deleted) {
// Doc. deleted -> if public then require
var userkey = _getUserKey(oldDoc);
_log('delete doc id: ' + doc._id + ', userkey=' + userkey);
if (userkey != null) {
} else {
_log('doc deleted, id: ' + (doc._id || 'no id!') + ', ' + (oldDoc ? ('old key=' + oldDoc.key + ', userkey=' + userkey) : 'no oldDoc'));
_log('doc id: ' + (doc._id || 'no id!') + ', ispublic: ' + doc.ispublic + ', userkey=' + doc.userkey + ', ' + (oldDoc ? (oldDoc._deleted ? 'oldDoc is deleted' : ('old key=' + oldDoc.key + ', oldDoc.userkey=' + oldDoc.userkey + ' update')) : ' creation'));
// Document type is mandatory
if (typeof doc.type === 'undefined') {
_log('Document type missing: ' + JSON.stringify(doc));
throw ({ forbidden: "Document type is required. id=" + doc._id });
if (doc.type == 'EnvLake' || doc.type == 'EnvMeasurement') {
throw ({ forbidden: "Document type '" + doc.type + "' not allowed on mobile. id=" + doc._id });
// Document key is mandatory
if (typeof doc.key === 'undefined') {
_log('Document key missing: ' + JSON.stringify(doc));
throw ({ forbidden: "Document key is required. id=" + doc._id });
// Update: Cannot allow change of type or key
if (oldDoc != null && !oldDoc._deleted) {
// Update
if (oldDoc.type != doc.type) {
throw ({ forbidden: "Can't change doc type" });
if (oldDoc.key != doc.key) {
throw ({ forbidden: "Can't change doc key" });
// Document sync is disabled (used for type Image - but generic implementation)
if (doc.issyncdisabled) {
throw ({ forbidden: "Sync. disabled for id=" + doc._id });
var includeForStats = false;
var userkey = _getUserKey(doc);
// All public docs (not deleted) are available in the app
if (doc.ispublic && doc.deleted != true) {
_log('public, id: ' + (doc._id || 'no id!'));
} else if (doc.type == 'FishingTrip' || doc.type == 'Catch') {
// All fishing trips and catches are available (for stats and quotas)
includeForStats = (userkey == null);
_log('Trip/catch for user: ' + (doc.userkey || "<external>") + ', id: ' + (doc._id || 'no id!'));
// All users are available (for stats)
if (doc.type == 'User' && doc.deleted != true) {
_log('User doc, id: ' + (doc._id || 'no id!'));
// Allow anyone to create a Feedback or Observation on the server
if (oldDoc == null && userkey == null && (doc.type == 'Feedback' || doc.type == 'Observation')) {
_log('Created ' + doc.type + ': ' + (doc._id || 'no id!') + ', key: ' + doc.key + ' as anonymous user ');
// Allow app user to create an ActivityLog on the server
if (oldDoc == null && doc.type == 'ActivityLog') {
_log('Created ' + doc.type + ': ' + (doc._id || 'no id!') + ', key: ' + doc.key + ' for user: ' + doc.userkey);
// Only non-public docs "owned" by user can be created/updated (and replicated)
if (userkey != null) {
if (oldDoc != null && ! oldDoc._deleted) {
// Update
if (oldDoc.userkey && oldDoc.userkey != doc.userkey) {
throw ({ forbidden: "Can't change user key" });
_log('User owned, id: ' + (doc._id || 'no id!') + ', type: ' + doc.type + ', user: ' + userkey);
if(doc.type != 'Image'){ // Do not send images TO mobile
channel('channel.' + userkey);
access(userkey, 'channel.' + userkey);
} else if (doc.ispublic || includeForStats) {
} else {
// Creation/update without user
_log('Document type cannot be created without user key: ' + (doc.type === 'Image' ? doc._id : JSON.stringify(doc)));
throw ({ forbidden: "This document type cannot be created without user key. id=" + doc._id });
I find it very difficult to try and find out what happened. Any suggestions as to how best to troubleshoot problems like this?
And if the document is deleted should it then not be “gone” from the database instead of being there as an “empty” document? - or do I just see that as I point at it with the id?
Thanks for any insights!
Running CB Community edition 6.6, sync. gateway 2.8.0 and CB Lite 2.7.1 (for the user in question)