Hi Jens,
I’ve just been looking at this again.
I am adding a small number of docs to couchbase via the sync gateway and they all appear ok in couchbase, but when I replicate to a CouchDB database or use curl to get changes I am only seeing some of the docs. This seemed to coincide with the int/string seq identifiers but maybe this was coincidental. I have run this test again and this time I am not getting any string seq but both _changes via curl and replication only show docs up to 16 whereas they actually go higher in couchbase. There is an example of this below.
Looking at the sync gateway web ui it sees all the docs in couchbase ok but has failed to build the correct channels or to preview the sync function.
If I restart sync gateway the web UI works and _changes and replication works ok.
I have repeated this a few times, always curl changes gets the wrong last_seq, sometimes the gateway web UI partially fails and sometimes replication to CouchDB hangs
I will try and narrow this down to a more simple reproducible test
Pauls-MacBook-Pro :: ~ » curl http://test:password@“sync_gateway/bychannel”&channels=domain_test
Pauls-MacBook-Pro :: ~ » curl http://test:password@“sync_gateway/bychannel”&channels=domain_test&since=16
but this is in the db and ought to show up too
"_sync": {
“rev”: “1-3b13e9634415d4c3fa3d6f2b99b6f8fc”,
“sequence”: 35,
“history”: {
“revs”: [
“parents”: [
“bodies”: [
“channels”: [
“channels”: {
“domain_test”: null,
“project_83b7c934-5f03-40f5-83b7-50d2fcd83ed3”: null
“access”: {
“paul”: {
“project_83b7c934-5f03-40f5-83b7-50d2fcd83ed3”: 35
“time_saved”: “2015-05-20T18:45:04.104865177Z”
“access”: [
“channels”: [
“domain_id”: “domain_test”,
“name”: “test_project”,
“namespace”: “http://glowinthedark.co.uk/flotsam/1”,
“owner_id”: “test_person”,
“rackspacestore_id”: “rackspacestore_test_project_83b7c934-5f03-40f5-83b7-50d2fcd83ed3”,
“recipe”: “flotsam.apps.river.recipes.thumbnail.thumbnail_recipe”,
“type”: “project”