We have one node Couchbase environment with a Sync Gateway for mobile applications.
We are seeing the below error periodically when our mobile applications try to connect to the database via Syncgateway and sync with it.
“2021-09-11T13:54:07.361+04:30 [ERR] Error opening database dialysiscloud_prod: Unable to install index channels: Error installing Couchbase index: sg_channels_x1: Error creating index with statement: CREATE INDEX sg_channels_x1
ON dialysiscloud_prod
(ALL (ARRAY [op.name, LEAST(meta().xattrs._sync.sequence,op.val.seq), IFMISSING(op.val.rev,null), IFMISSING(op.val.del,null)] FOR op IN OBJECT_PAIRS(meta().xattrs._sync.channels) END), meta().xattrs._sync.rev, meta().xattrs._sync.sequence, meta().xattrs._sync.flags) with {“retain_deleted_xattr”:true,“defer_build”:true}. Error: [5000] GSI CreateIndex() - cause: Index creation for index sg_channels_x1, bucket dialysiscloud_prod, scope _default, collection _default cannot start. Reason: Create index cannot proceed due to presence of duplicate index name… – rest.RunServer() at config.go:1086”.
Why does this is happening? and is there a way to detect and delete duplicate indexes?