Hi all,
I have a peculiar problem, I have 3 clusters , 1 on location A , one on location B and one on cloud lets say it as location C. The problem is all 3 have a sync gateway and their mobile devices. For a special case I need to sync cluster A data to cluster C (cloud) and cluster B data to cluster C (cloud). But in no cases data of A should reach to B. connectivity from A and B to C on most days can be very fragile with very expensive (Satellite connection). The connectivity is very good on some days when there is a LAN between them.
What do you suggest how should I sync data between them. I only want latest data to travel and no history should travel. Apart from this , is there any switch which if I turn off the sync will stop and if ON the sync will start.
When there is good connectivity I need least possible latency. but when the connectivity is low I can manage with high latency.
Please help me I know this is strange scenario, and it will make sure whether we can use Couch base as our solution.