Hi All,
Sync gateway when starting is getting stuck and showing following logs:
2019-10-02T02:24:53.151Z ==== Couchbase Sync Gateway/2.5.0(271;bf3ddf6) EE ====
2019-10-02T02:24:53.151Z [INF] Logging: Console to stderr
2019-10-02T02:24:53.151Z [INF] Logging: Files disabled
2019-10-02T02:24:53.151Z [ERR] No log_file_path property specified in config, and --defaultLogFilePath command line flag was not set. Log files required for product support are not being generated.
2019-10-02T02:24:53.151Z [WRN] Using deprecated config option: “log”. Use “logging.console.log_keys” instead. – rest.(*ServerConfig).deprecatedConfigLoggingFallback.func5() at config.go:674
2019-10-02T02:24:53.151Z [INF] Logging: Console level: info
2019-10-02T02:24:53.151Z [INF] Logging: Console keys: [HTTP HTTP+ Replicate]
2019-10-02T02:24:53.151Z [INF] Logging: Redaction level: none
2019-10-02T02:24:53.151Z [INF] requestedSoftFDLimit < currentSoftFdLimit (50000 < 1048576) no action needed
2019-10-02T02:24:53.151Z [INF] Logging stats with frequency: 1m0s
2019-10-02T02:24:53.151Z [INF] Opening db /bucketname as bucket “bucketname”, pool “default”, server http://URL8091
2019-10-02T02:24:53.151Z [INF] GoCBCustomSGTranscoder Opening Couchbase database bucketname on http://URL:8091 as user “bucketname”
2019-10-02T02:24:54.158Z [INF] Successfully opened bucket bucketname
2019-10-02T02:24:54.158Z [INF] Set query timeouts for bucket bucketname to cluster:1m15s, bucket:1m15s
The user is admin so no issue in that. Can it be connectivity issue. 2 pods are able to be up after several restart but this one doesnt even after 10+ Restart.
Can anybody have found the same issue?
CBS :6.0
SG: 2.5.0 EE
Pankaj Sharma