Synch gateway 3.0 docker mac m1 connection refused tcp

Docker logs
2022-11-15T16:50:47.191Z ==== Couchbase Sync Gateway/3.0.4(13;godeps/) CE ====
2022-11-15T16:50:47.192Z [INF] Loading content from [/etc/sync_gateway/sync_gateway.json] …
2022-11-15T16:50:47.213Z [INF] Config: Starting in persistent mode using config group “default”
2022-11-15T16:50:47.214Z [INF] Logging: Console to stderr
2022-11-15T16:50:47.217Z [INF] Logging: Files to /var/log/sync_gateway
2022-11-15T16:50:47.219Z [INF] Logging: Console level: info
2022-11-15T16:50:47.219Z [INF] Logging: Console keys: [* HTTP]
2022-11-15T16:50:47.219Z [INF] Logging: Redaction level: partial
2022-11-15T16:50:47.219Z [INF] Logging stats with frequency: &{1m0s}
2022-11-15T16:50:47.240Z [WRN] gocb: Pipeline Client 0x400024eb60 failed to bootstrap: check server ports and cluster encryption setting: dial tcp connect: connection refused – base.GoCBCoreLogger.Log() at logger_external.go:79
2022-11-15T16:50:50.241Z [WRN] gocb: CCCPPOLL: Failed to retrieve CCCP config. check server ports and cluster encryption setting: dial tcp connect: connection refused – base.GoCBCoreLogger.Log() at logger_external.go:79

Synch gateway config
“bootstrap”: {
“server”: “couchbases://localhost”,
“server_tls_skip_verify”: true,
“username”: “admin”,
“password”: “password”
“logging”: {
“console”: {
“enabled”: true,
“log_level”: “info”,
“log_keys”: [“*”]

Started couch server with following command
docker run -d --name cb-server
–network workshop
-p 8091-8094:8091-8094 -p 11210:11210
Synch gateway
docker run -p 4984-4986:4984-4986
–network workshop
–name sync-gateway
-v pwd/sync-gateway-config.json:

On MacOS in docker, the controller node on Couchbase Server needs to be renamed to (or another DNS-resolvable address) before Sync Gateway can connect to it.

Naming a Node | Couchbase Docs are instructions on how to rename the controller node, and you can use

I’m not the expert here, but it is trying to connect to port 11207 (the tls kv port), but you only have the non-tls kv port mapped ( -p 11210:11210 )

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I tried with hostname its same error, verified node was changed was able to access with 8091 port

I tried with hostname coubase.local then its not able to discover the node itself

2022-11-16T03:01:12.182Z [WRN] gocb: CCCPPOLL: Failed to retrieve config from any node. – base.GoCBCoreLogger.Log() at logger_external.go:79
2022-11-16T03:01:14.183Z [INF] Config: Couldn’t initialize cluster agent: unambiguous timeout | {“InnerError”:{“InnerError”:{“InnerError”:{},“Message”:“unambiguous timeout”}},“OperationID”:“WaitUntilReady”,“Opaque”:“”,“TimeObserved”:5003409335,“RetryReasons”:[“NOT_READY”],“RetryAttempts”:10,“LastDispatchedTo”:“”,“LastDispatchedFrom”:“”,“LastConnectionID”:“”} - will retry…

etc/hosts entry coubase.local

Similarly if connecting with couchbases:// you’ll need to expose the tls ports for other services that SG will be using, like query (e.g. 18091-18094)

Community Edition of Couchbase Server does not support TLS for client connections. You’ll want to have bootstrap config look like

    "bootstrap": {
        "server": "couchbase://cb-server",
        "use_tls_server": false,
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "password"

In addition to using not using TLS in the connection string couchbase:// you want to change the address to the docker container hosting Couchbase Server.