Docker logs
2022-11-15T16:50:47.191Z ==== Couchbase Sync Gateway/3.0.4(13;godeps/) CE ====
2022-11-15T16:50:47.192Z [INF] Loading content from [/etc/sync_gateway/sync_gateway.json] …
2022-11-15T16:50:47.213Z [INF] Config: Starting in persistent mode using config group “default”
2022-11-15T16:50:47.214Z [INF] Logging: Console to stderr
2022-11-15T16:50:47.217Z [INF] Logging: Files to /var/log/sync_gateway
2022-11-15T16:50:47.219Z [INF] Logging: Console level: info
2022-11-15T16:50:47.219Z [INF] Logging: Console keys: [* HTTP]
2022-11-15T16:50:47.219Z [INF] Logging: Redaction level: partial
2022-11-15T16:50:47.219Z [INF] Logging stats with frequency: &{1m0s}
2022-11-15T16:50:47.240Z [WRN] gocb: Pipeline Client 0x400024eb60 failed to bootstrap: check server ports and cluster encryption setting: dial tcp connect: connection refused – base.GoCBCoreLogger.Log() at logger_external.go:79
2022-11-15T16:50:50.241Z [WRN] gocb: CCCPPOLL: Failed to retrieve CCCP config. check server ports and cluster encryption setting: dial tcp connect: connection refused – base.GoCBCoreLogger.Log() at logger_external.go:79
Synch gateway config
“bootstrap”: {
“server”: “couchbases://localhost”,
“server_tls_skip_verify”: true,
“username”: “admin”,
“password”: “password”
“logging”: {
“console”: {
“enabled”: true,
“log_level”: “info”,
“log_keys”: [“*”]
Started couch server with following command
docker run -d --name cb-server
–network workshop
-p 8091-8094:8091-8094 -p 11210:11210
Synch gateway
docker run -p 4984-4986:4984-4986
–network workshop
–name sync-gateway
-v pwd