System queries running on Couchbase server

We see that the Couchbase Server is periodically running this query.
The query is running for around 3-7 minutes and is increasing the RAM usage on the query node.

Any idea what is causing it to run?
Is it needed?
If it is needed then is there a way to control the frequency?

select completed_requests.*, meta().plan from system:completed_requests

Please can we get some information on this?


Requesting the completed requests from this URL will result in that query being executed.
curl -u Administrator:password http://localhost:8093/admin/completed_requests | jq .

You can follow the instruction here to delete documents in completed_requests to reduce the time that query takes to execute. You probably want to delete the documents before a specific date.

If some one login into web console only this queries runs at regular intervals.

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