@sagarkvs user-manage allows administrators to assign and manage roles to different users - for this to work the cluster has to be initialized first - hence the error - without initializing the cluster you cannot use this command - if you execute it on a uninitialized cluster it will return this error:
mv-arunkumar:bin a.senthilnathan$ ./couchbase-cli user-manage -c --username Administrator --password password --get
ERROR: Cluster is not initialized, use cluster-init to initialize the cluster
mv-arunkumar:bin a.senthilnathan$
However, server-info command should work even if it is not initialized - it should give you a json which contains the server status as shown below:
mv-arunkumar:bin a.senthilnathan$ ./couchbase-cli server-info -c --username Administrator --password password
“availableStorage”: {
“hdd”: [
“path”: “/”,
“sizeKBytes”: 19363840,
“usagePercent”: 47
“path”: “/dev”,
“sizeKBytes”: 757848,
“usagePercent”: 0
“path”: “/dev/shm”,
“sizeKBytes”: 767172,
“usagePercent”: 0
“path”: “/run”,
“sizeKBytes”: 767172,
“usagePercent”: 2
“path”: “/sys/fs/cgroup”,
“sizeKBytes”: 767172,
“usagePercent”: 0
“path”: “/”,
“sizeKBytes”: 19363840,
“usagePercent”: 47
“path”: “/boot”,
“sizeKBytes”: 508588,
“usagePercent”: 24
“path”: “/run/user/0”,
“sizeKBytes”: 153436,
“usagePercent”: 0
“cbasMemoryQuota”: 1024,
“clusterCompatibility”: 393221,
“clusterMembership”: “active”,
“couchApiBase”: “http://:8092/”,
“couchApiBaseHTTPS”: “https://:18092/”,
“cpuCount”: 1,
“eventingMemoryQuota”: 256,
“ftsMemoryQuota”: 256,
“hostname”: “:8091”,
“indexMemoryQuota”: 512,
“interestingStats”: {},
“mcdMemoryAllocated”: 1198,
“mcdMemoryReserved”: 1198,
“memoryFree”: 1246457856,
“memoryQuota”: 256,
“memoryTotal”: 1571168256,
“nodeUUID”: “241de848670ff1908ec8cdfcaafcd739”,
“os”: “x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu”,
“otpCookie”: “6f9d7b5c2938c99876c3f2cc4438479ae0a2562be32dd9641caf672173ab77e0”,
“otpNode”: “ns_1@”,
“ports”: {
“direct”: 11210,
“httpsCAPI”: 18092,
“httpsMgmt”: 18091
“recoveryType”: “none”,
“services”: [
“status”: “healthy”,
“storage”: {
“hdd”: [
“cbas_dirs”: [
“index_path”: “/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data”,
“java_home”: “”,
“path”: “/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data”,
“quotaMb”: “none”,
“state”: “ok”
“storageTotals”: {
“hdd”: {
“free”: 10509143245,
“quotaTotal”: 19828572160,
“total”: 19828572160,
“used”: 9319428915,
“usedByData”: 0
“ram”: {
“quotaTotal”: 268435456,
“quotaTotalPerNode”: 268435456,
“quotaUsed”: 0,
“quotaUsedPerNode”: 0,
“total”: 1571168256,
“used”: 1467150336,
“usedByData”: 0
“systemStats”: {
“cpu_cores_available”: 1,
“cpu_utilization_rate”: 0,
“mem_free”: 1246457856,
“mem_limit”: 1571168256,
“mem_total”: 1571168256,
“swap_total”: 1107292160,
“swap_used”: 0
“thisNode”: true,
“uptime”: “17”,
“version”: “”
What couchbase version are you using? Ensure couchbase is installed fine and you are able to see the setup page when you hit 8091 - also make sure that you are using the right creds