I’m using Python SDK 3.0.3 version.
I’m trying to create an index using the following code but I’m getting a timeout exception.
Note that the index is eventually get created but I get no indication. I got to know the index has been created by locating it at the UI.
from couchbase.cluster import Cluster, ClusterOptions, QueryOptions
from couchbase.cluster import PasswordAuthenticator
from couchbase.cluster import QueryIndexManager
from datetime import timedelta
cluster = Cluster(‘couchbase://xxx107.xxx.com:8091’, ClusterOptions(PasswordAuthenticator(‘Administrator’, ‘Administrator’)))
cb = cluster.bucket(‘com.xxx.individual’)
qm = QueryIndexManager(cluster)
cluster.query_indexes().create_index(‘com.xxx.individual’, ‘party_mig_ix’, [‘documentId’], timeout=timedelta(seconds=900))
What is wrong?