Hi all,
we are going to change timezone from GMT+1 to UTC in our couchbase clusters, in order to have all of them in the same timezone than other servers in the CPD and Amazon AWS. So the question is, do we need to change some kind of configuratiion in a couchbase cluster? do we need to restart services?
Best regards,
Sergio Sánchez
Hi @sergio.sanchez,
Is there a particular feature you are concerned about? XDCR conflict resolution between clusters? Backups?
If you’re concerned about querying with time zones, check out this blog post: Oracle Date-Time & Timestamp Format Compared to Couchbase
nothing in particular, i though that Couchbase used UTC to write logs, like i have read before in this forum. But in our clusters logs are written in the time zone where server is configured, not in UTC.
So, Which is the real behavior? pick up the timezone from the server, from UTC, from something configured in somewhere?
In order to change the timezone in all of our servers to UTC, i would like to know if i have to do anythong to sonfigure correctly our couchbase servers/clusters.
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