I’m in the process of converting some CBL View code into CBL 2 Queries, I’ve done most of the things I’ve needed already, but struggling to convert something where I use the view with a reduce function. As far as I understand it, I’ll need to do some Joins, but I’ve been scratching my head over a week now to understand your examples on Joins. I might be mistaken, but I wish you had more examples of how to convert View/Reduce stuff into queries.
I’ve got some documents of the form:
Doc 0 (doc id: forms.layouts.1|xyz):
"title": "Parent form"
Doc 1 (doc id: forms.layouts.1|abc):
"title": "Child form 1",
Doc 2 (doc id: forms.layouts.1|cdf):
"title": "Child form 2",
"parent": "xyz"
Doc 3 (doc id: forms.layouts.1.project_alpha|fgh):
"title": "Child form 3",
"parent": "xyz"
Doc 4 (doc id: forms.layouts.1.project_beta|21z):
"title": "Child form 4",
"parent": "xyz"
Doc 5 (doc id: forms.layouts.1|221x):
"title": "Child form 5 for another parent",
"parent": "whatever"
Document ids can take two forms:
Here’s my View and Reduce blocks:
let map : CBLMapBlock = {doc,emit in
guard let docId = doc["_id"] as? String else { return }
guard docId.hasPrefix("forms.layouts.") else { return }
guard let parent = doc["parent"] as? String else { return }
let gid = CBUtils.groupIdFromDocumentId(docId)
let aid = CBUtils.accountIdFromGroupdId(gid)
let rid = CBUtils.recordIdFromDocumentId(docId)
if let pid = Form.projectId(fromRecordId:rid)
let reduce : CBLReduceBlock = {keys,values,rereduce in
var res = [String:Int]()
guard let ids = values as? [String] else { return res }
for id in ids
var cnt = res[id] ?? 0
cnt += 1
res[id] = cnt
return res
The output of this is essentially the number of child forms per parent form.
In CBL 1 I can query the view/reduce and get the number of children of the parent form for an account / project combination, or across the whole account (ignoring the project id).
For the example documents I showed I should be getting:
With the key: “1”:
With the key: “1:project_alpha”:
How to get something similar with CBL2 style queries?