I’m having trouble converting this N1QL query to be run in the Java SDK. Can someone help point out what I’m doing wrong?
This query works great in the Query Workbench Developer. I get back 1 result:
b WHERE type=“questionnaire/path”
AND META(b).id LIKE “questionnaire/path/2016/%”
AND ANY group1 WITHIN questionGroups SATISFIES (group1.id = “VehExp.6so”) END
When I run this from the Java SDK, I get results with the following code:
Statement stmt = select(“*”)
.and(anyIn(“questionGroups”, x(“group1”)).satisfies(x(“group1.id”))));
JsonObject params = JsonObject.create()
.put(“keyPrefix”, “questionnaire/path/” + taxYear + “/%”)
.put(“type”, QuestionnairePath.DOCUMENT_TYPE)
.put(“id”, id);
ParameterizedN1qlQuery query = N1qlQuery.parameterized(stmt, params, N1qlParams.build().consistency(
But when I try to add the equals statement, I don’t get any results:
.and(anyIn(“group1”, x(“questionGroups”)).satisfies(i(“group1.id”).eq(x(“$id”)))));
Can someone spot my bug in translating the query to code?