Can you describe how the client and server are connected? i.e. is this on your laptop connecting to a Docker container? Are you in a particular cloud provider?
Typically a timeout at this early stage is caused by some networking issue in between the client and server rather than a bug or performance issue.
You can also try using the sdk doctor to get more connection diagnostics:
(also note that version 4 of the Python SDK is available now, I don’t have any reason to suspect that upgrading would resolve the issue you’re having, but good to be aware of the latest version )
Hi , When I am trying to connect couchbase server from my laptop using python sdk locally its working,
But when when i am trying to connect my same standalone application in remote desktop , then I am facing this issue(time out issue).
Hi , When I am trying to connect couchbase server from my laptop using python sdk locally its working,
But when when i am trying to connect my same standalone application in remote desktop , then I am facing this issue(time out issue). we are using latest sdk 4.
But we have java application which is running fine for both local and remote
Hi @abhijsar – Sorry, since you are using the 4.x SDK, the logging is different (we use our C++ SDK and not the C SDK as the 3.x version of the Python SDK did). See the 4.x logging documentation here. A quick way to get log information for the SDK is as follows (be sure to change to the name of your python script). Also, you can use debug or trace logging levels as those will provide the most information for debugging purposes.
PYCBC_LOG_LEVEL=trace python
Also as @perry has noted, using SDK Doctor is a good tool to use to make sure your connection is okay.
hi @jcasey@perry
getting this after using sdk doctor :
e[33m[WARN]e[0m No certificate authority file specified (–tls-ca), skipping server certificate verification for this run.
e[33m[WARN]e[0m Your connection string specifies only a single host. You should consider adding additional static nodes from your cluster to this list to improve your applications fault-tolerance
e[31m[ERRO]e[0m Failed to fetch configuration via cccp from (error: dial tcp i/o timeout)
e[31m[ERRO]e[0m Failed to fetch terse configuration via http from (error: Get “”: net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: malformed HTTP response “\x15\x03\x03\x00\x02\x02”)
e[31m[ERRO]e[0m All endpoints specified by your connection string were unreachable, further cluster diagnostics are not possible.
It looks to me like some pretty low-level networking issue is blocking communication. This is usually due to a firewall (or security group) configuration.
Can you share some more details on exactly how this is all setup? You mention a remote desktop…is that running on a cloud instance (and if so, which provider?). Is it Windows or Linux? Is Couchbase running in another cloud instance? Windows or Linux? Or is this all in your local datacenter/home network? Any docker, kubernetes or load balancers? And you mentioned that a java application is running fine…is that running in the exact same remote desktop and using the exact same connection string?
Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get a complete picture to identify some potential areas for digging into. If you have a license to our Enterprise Edition it might be worth opening a support ticket with the team, they’ll probably ask a lot of the same questions though