Unable to add new Document to existing or new buckets

Installation details:
Machine configuration:

Make: ASUS
Model: K42JA
Type: Laptop
OS: Windows 8 Pro x64
Hardware configuration:
Intel i5 M460 CPU

Product Installed:
Couchbase Server Version: 2.0.1 community edition (build-185)
Cluster State ID: 019-030-319

Installation scenario:
Total RAM in cluster: 1024 MB
Total RAM allocated: 356 MB

Total Cluster storage: 100 GB (primary partition on a single physical disk [h/w: SATA II @ 7200 RPM])
Usable free space: 51 GB

3 Buckets active -> under this -> “waiting for samples…” … nothing happens even after adding beer sample or what so ever.

Active Server: 1
Servers down: 1 -> Fail Over Warning: At least two servers are required to provide replication!

Now the actual trouble is to add a new document to any of the buckets in cluster and know what, even the sample buckets do not contain any documents and/or views, while the documentation on your site mentions on some data to play around and review how things can get going.

The error:

Upon checking with the developer tools, I received 500: Internal server error as response, and nothing happens.

Ofcourse it can be a installation problem or something like that, but can anybody figure out the issue and help me resolve it ?

Mistry Hardik


As you said, it looks like an installation issue. With release 2.0.x Couchbase had no Windows 8 support/distribution. You can follow the following blog post:

But instead of hacking I would invite you to install Couchbase 2.2 that you can use for development on Windows 8. You can download it from:

Also be sure you uninstall the existing version, and delete the Couchbase folder

PS: see the supported platform here:
