I am facing an issue while building android application from the following repository (android couchbase tutorial)
Getting following error:
Error:Failed to resolve: com.couchbase.lite:couchbase-lite-android:2.0.0-DB016
Can any one give me the path to get the latest couchbase-lite libraries for android.
Did you follow the instructions here and specify the dev maven repository ? Since this is a Developer Build you will have to specify the repo in your build.grade file.
Thanks Priya,
But dev maven this link always take me to file not found page.
Is this same with every one or it’s only happening in case of me.
If possible please provide me a link that can give pre release builds(.aar) for 2.0.0-DB016 version.
Something seems to be amiss with the repo. Checking internally.
In the interim, 2.0.0-DB015 is working (at least for me).
Can you please provide me link or the location of interim, 2.0.0-DB015 build.
You specify it in the application build.gradle
file. Look for the section that starts with
dependencies {
compile fileTree(include: ["*.jar"], dir: "libs")
and add
compile "com.couchbase.lite:couchbase-lite-android:2.0.0-DB015"
The DB016 should be available for download now. You will not be able to get to DB015 as yet - there are some glitches in our maven repo that are working through. Will keep you posted