Unable to Connect localHost , couchbase console

I am facing issue as Unable to Connect localHost, (Just showed popup as" IP address seems to have changed . Unable to listen on ‘ns_1@’")

I am trying to find the reason behind that problem?
What is the exact cause of this problem?

Hi, can you give us more details on how you install Couchbase?

I have download the installer from couchbase server official website and directly installed that, giving localhost as but after some time i got exception as above and it turns off and unable to open again,

i have reinstalled that , now its working but i just wnt to know the reason behind that problem , does anyone familier with that issue ?

What OS are you installing on? (Windows, Mac, Linux)

You say that it’s working now, did you do anything differently the second time you installed?

I am using Windows Os, and havent did any thing new at the time of second installation. but now its working fine…I am unable to conclude the cause.